Pterocarpus Marsupium is a tree with inclining forest produce value that usually grows in southern-western evergreen forest parts of India. It is also referred as Indian Kino Tree or Asana. The Asana tree is recognised by traditional medicine system for its strong Anthelmintic, Anodyne and anti-inflammatory properties.
The macroscopic description of Asana the wood pellet / chipped biscuit has a golden yellowish-brown color with darker streaks. Upon soaking in water gives a yellow-ish color to the solution with an astringent taste. Major Chemical Constituents

Prospective Health Benefits
The widely known useful parts of the Indian-Kino tree are center-wood, leaves, flowers, gum but like many medicinal trees and plants, each part has specific medicinal / nutritional value.
In the bark, Marsupin and Pterostilbene contribute to most medicinal value of the tree.
Pterostilbene acts as hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, significant reduction in glycosylated Hb and increase in total Hb level. Moderate inhibition of COXÂl and weakly active against COXÂll showing potent antioxidant activity. It inhibits electrolyte leakage caused by herbicide.
This bark has indicated presence of 5,7,2-4 tetrahydroxy isoflavone & 6-6 glucoside which are very potent antioxidants.
The concentrated extract of bark showed control over the toxicity of CCL4 and restoring Bilirubin, Enzymes and Proteins much more efficiently than Silymarin based treatments which supports the Heptaprotective nature of the medicinal herb.
Source : The Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India , International Journal of Pharmacy, Journal of Flora and Fauna of India, Department of Zoology