Cassia fistula also known as Amaltas tree, is a golden tree with an average height of 12-14 m with a hefty trunk. Although the wood and seeds of this tree are used for coal fuelling and as a superior quality charcoal but apart from that Cassia's flower pulp, dried seeds and fruit pulp has noted to have multiple nutritional and medicinal benefits. From an analysis we deterred the Cassia Fistula has 13.41% of essential phenols, 4.85% flavonoids, 8.9 grams of Arginine per 100 grams, 18.98 grams of Glutamate and 8.61 grams of Aspartate.
Cassia fistula contains anti-inflammatory, hepato-protective, Antitussive, antibacterial,
anti-fungal properties and similarly used for healing of wounds. It is an excellent source
of glycosides, tannins, and flavonoids of medical importance and nutritionally

Leukotriene Inhibition Activity : Leukotrienes are a group of inflammatory mediators which are produced by White blood cells during oxidation of essential fatty acids and essential lipid function. As they play role in lipid function, they also at times use lipid signalling to the cell to regulate immune response. As their production takes place, they release Histamine and Prostaglandins, which are also strong inflammatory mediators.
Excess of Leukotrienes and their by product like histamine and prostaglandins, leave behind symptoms like airway obstruction, bronchial obstruction and mucus secretion.
Cassia Fistula flower and fruit has potential qualities to inhibit the enzyme that leads to the production of Leukotriene making it a natural inhibitor of Leukotrienes and compounds that release with it's production. Which makes it a potential anti-inflammatory ingredient for asthma.
Source : The Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India